"Imagining An Economy Based on Care" Anthropocene Curriculum. Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Berlin. 2020.
"Measuring Loss" A reflection on the seminar Claims/Property that was enacted at the Anthropocene River Campus. Tulane University (New Orleans)/ House of World Cultures (Berlin). Published Spring 2020
"In the Back of Beyond", a reflection on the difficulty of representing the struggles of small towns and rural backwaters in this period of neoliberal acceleration. In Global Activism, Art and Conflict in the 21st century. Edited by Peter Weibel. MIT Press. September 2014.
melt with us. duskin drum and I collaborated on a piece that is inspired by the work of non-humans to make us something else. In the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest online. Print edition coming September 2014.
Postcards of Earth and Mortal Sights. Aether the Journal of Media Geography. Volume 12. 2014
Little Egypt. an essay about the historic and current points of friction between Southern Illinois and the north and the east. In Deep Routes: The Midwest in all Directions. 2012.
Proceedings Process: The State of California v. Lou Gottlieb, in tema, Copenhagen, YNKB, 2009. About reading Gottlieb's God case in Copenhagen. How does Danish law and policy interact differently from in the US, when it comes to making changes? 2009.
Moving in Place: The Question of Distributed Social Cinema. This piece is a conversation about SpecFlic, Adriene Jenik's techno-performance for the San Jose Public library, involving projected video, live performance and cell phone poetry.2008.
Institute of Anarchist Studies: World Class Carelessness. A book review of Mike Davis' Evil Paradises, a collection of essays about spatial injustice at the extremes. 2008.
From South to North. A spread of Lize's map from An Atlas of Radical Cartography with an except of my essay, in Red Pepper Magazine, Feb/March, 2008. Here
I am going to tell you something no one else can tell you who wasn't there... 2007. In the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest.
Tales from the Uni-Nursery One of two articles about Morningstar Ranch. This was published in a book called Failure, edited by Nicole Antebi, Colin Dickey, Robby Herbst.
Our World is Changing; soon yours will too. in An Atlas of Radical Cartography, edited by Alexis Bhagat and Lize Mogel. 2007.
If Stewardship was scattered
like daffodils in the field the wild salmon would return running to the streets and gutters of Copenhagen
Still Learning from Las Vegas
Reflections on an aborted project that involved creating the art for a Las Vegas union drive during the penultimate weeks of the "Old Order." The event, involving the installation of 'black clouds over the Guggenheim' was set for the week of September 16, 2001, and never was consummated. And Sheldon Adelson is still a wretchedly bad man who plagues our lives.
Published in the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest, 2001.
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Black clouds over the Guggenheim Venetian |
Mata Hari Syndrome: Every Night Different
The MFA thesis. A creative romp about persons and commodities in the early 20th century is online. It was my MFA thesis, accompanying a performative installation about uncertainty that occupied the Marcuse Gallery for 10 days.
Published in the early 21st century, limited edition, UC San Diego thesis. (7.6Mb pdf)
Possessive Subject Radical: Whose School is this?
Sarah's work has been featured or mentioned in the following articles:
5 Questions for Contemporary Practice with Amy Balkin. by Thom Donovan. February 17, 2011.